
From CIRCOMOD Stylized Model Wiki

This WIKI documentation provides an overview of the Circular Economy Stylized Models developed by the partners of the CIRCOMOD project. It provides a brief description of the models, their Circular Economy features and their significance in climate mitigation. It also provides external links for further reading. This documentation supports the analytical framework of the CIRCOMOD project and stands for the deliverable 1.2 of the project.

The Circular Economy and Climate Mitigation

The Circular Economy aims at redefining the traditional linear economy of "take-make-dispose" into a closed-loop system where waste is minimized and resources are kept in use for as long as possible. It involves redesigning products, processes, and business models to prioritize sustainability, with a focus on reducing waste, increasing efficiency, and creating value from waste materials.

The Circular Economy can play an important role in climate change mitigation by helping in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. By reducing waste, reusing products, and recycling materials, it reduces the need for extracting raw materials and producing new goods, which in turn reduces energy consumption and associated emissions. Additionally, the Circular Economy encourages the use of renewable energy and the development of new low-carbon technologies.

The Circular Economy provides a framework for achieving sustainable development and reducing our impact on the environment. For this reason, it is important to represent Circular Economy in climate mitigation models that primarily lack this feature. CIRCOMOD is developing Circular Economy stylized models to support and inform this effort.

Model Gallery

R words coverage

R words coverage (Refuse, Rethink, Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Refurbish, Remanufacture, Repurpose, Recycle, and Recover) and their role in defining the core principles of CE

Model comparison

The five models offer a diversity of tools and approaches to explore the implication of the circular economy in the context of the decarbonization of our economies. This table compares the main characteristics of the models: geographical scope, sectors represented, the type of modelling, the platform used and the current status of development (in date of September 2023).

Model Geographical scope Sectors Model type Platform Status
CIRCEE National Energy, industries, government, households dynamic optimisation dynare on julia or matlab in progress
DICE-MAT Global Macroeconmy dynamic optimization python in progress
IEBUILDING National building sector static excel completed
MATCGE one region intermediary production sectors, government, households dynamic recursive python in progress
Styl-IE one region, one sector, one material energy, production static javascript in progress